At the moment, the PTA are raising money to update/replace the outdoor play equipment.  This is an exciting project and will create a fun, interesting and play area for all our children.  The current playground equipment is tired and is beginning to need constant maintence.  Please support our PTA as it raises vital funds for our school. 

Coombe Hill Junior School Parents Teacher Association (CHJPTA)

All parents or guardians of pupils are automatically members of the Junior School PTA. 

The CHJPTA exists with the following aims:

We welcome any parent to become more involved either on the Committees, simply helping at events or giving us ideas for future events.  We are ALL Coombe Hill and the PTA is for us ALL.

Please email if you would like to get involved or would like more information.

Among our PTA events are:

As well as a host of other exciting activities for pupils and fundraising initiatives for the school.

Please see below some of the amazing things the PTA has raised money towards.

In 1973 members of the PTA not only funded the swimming pool but dug the hole and built the pool!!    The PTA has continued to support the pool by sharing the costs of refurbishing the changing rooms and, with the Infants' school, pay towards the upkeep. 

The amphitheatre was totally funded by the PTA and is a wonderful outdoor performance space.  The children enjoy sitting on the steps with their friends in the Summer sunshine.

When the library was refurbished a few years ago the PTA funded the colourful furniture which enhances the experience of the children.  

The PTA underwrites the fabulous Writers' Week where authors visit the school to talk about their books.  Without the help of the PTA this wonderful and much loved event might not be able to take place.

The MUGA (Multi-Use-Games-Area) was funded by the PTA.  This facility is used everyday and has been an incredible asset to the school.

The PTA helped to fund the pond area which is abundant with insects and wildlife and enables our children to pond dip without leaving the school grounds.

The Mindfulness Garden, a project initiated by Mr Held, was funded by the PTA.  This secluded area gives children a quiet place to talk and be reflective.  

In addition to the above the PTA has funded a large number of Chrome books for our children to use.  We