Governing board
The governing board is responsible for the strategic direction of the school, providing challenge and support and holding the school to account. Governors work together with the school on planning, developing and scrutinising policies and keeping the school under review. They are not involved in the day to day management of the school, unless there are specific problems requiring governor intervention.
At Coombe Hill Junior School, there are 13 governors, including the Headteacher. Governors are recruited from the parent body and the community for their expertise and interest in the school. There are also two Associate Members (the Deputy Headteacher and the School Business Manager), who give professional advice to governors but have limited voting rights. In addition, there is a clerk to the governing body who provides administrative support and advice. Further support is provided by the local authority.
The Full Governing Board usually meets five times annually. Additionally, governors serve on committees, panels and working groups which carry out more detailed work.
At Coombe Hill Junior School, we have three committees:
The Finance and Premises Committee
The role of this committee is to work in partnership with the headteacher on financial, building and premises matters, including setting the annual budget. It is also responsible for health and safety within the school. The committee meets at least once per term; usually more frequently.
The Curriculum and Standards Committee
This committee is responsible for ensuring that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum, for scrutinising the quality of learning and teaching and in particular, monitoring pupils’ achievement and progress throughout the school. The committee meets at least once per term.
The Safeguarding and Wellbeing Committee
The role of this committee is to ensure the wellbeing of all pupils at the school. It reviews the Child Protection Policy and ensures that background checks are carried out on all adults entering school premises and that all staff and governors have been trained to recognise child abuse and how to report it. This committee meets at least once per term.
Further working groups and panels meet as necessary, for example, to monitor teaching, review staff pay, deal with disciplinary matters or recruit the headteacher or deputy head.
If you would like any further information about the governing board at Coombe Hill Junior School, please contact the Clerk to the Governors via the school office or email: