Sport teams
Over the course of the year, Coombe Hill will be competing against other schools in a variety of different sports. Matches and competitions will take place across the whole year and children from all year groups will have the chance to compete. Our aim is to compete in as many fixtures as possible, so that we have more opportunities to take part and be successful. In order to be chosen for a competition, children will need to be selected by the PE coordinators (Mr Charlton & Miss Robinson). We will hold trials for all competitions where possible, so that all children get the opportunity to take part. If your child is selected for an event, they will recieve a letter requiring consent from a parent/guardian.
Mr Charlton and Miss Robinson have been running a year 5 & 6 football squad for boys and girls in the school. Over the year, children in the squad will be be able to represent the school against other in a range of friendlies, tournaments and cup competitions. The squad have been training after school on a weekly basis, this opportunity will continue during the summer term. This will give Coombe Hill players an excellent chance to be part of a team, to work together, and to win matches.
In this section, you will find sporting results from friendlies, festivals and competitions, which the school has competed in. You will also find a list of upcoming sports events which will be taking place in the near future. Lower school events for years 3 & 4 are predominantly festivals, with the emphasis on taking part. Upper school events for years 5 & 6 are predominantly competitions, with the emphasis on competing and winning.
2019-2020 Results
Coming Soon.
2018-2019 Results
Year 5 Girls Football Tournament - 3rd
Year 5 & 6 Swimming Gala - (reached 8 out of 10 finals)
Year 6 Girls Football Tournament - 2nd
Year 4 Girls football Festival - (friendly)
Year 5 & 6 TAG Rugby Tournament (3rd in group)
Year 3 Boys Football Festival - (friendly)
Year 6 Boys Football Tournament - 2nd
Year 5 & 6 Sports Hall Athletics Competition - 4th
Year 6 Indoor Cricket Finals
Year 3 & 4 Indoor Tennis Festival
Year 5 & 6 Boys Football vs Robin Hood (District Cup, 2nd Round) - Won 13-3
Year 5 & 6 Girls Football vs King's Oak (District Cup)