Ofsted and our latest inpections

Performance and results

Current Attainment 2023

2023 KS2 Data

*please note that due to the the Covid pandemic the government did not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

KS2 SATs results 2023 - provisional - website

You can see our most recent IDSR by clicking below:-

IDSR released June 2023

You can also compare our school to other schools by clicking on the link below:-

Financial benchmarking page.

ofsted Reports

We are very proud of our school and how we have progressed over time. Since our full inspection in 2010, we have also received a monitoring visit of Modern Foriegn Languages in 2020 and full Ofsted subject inspection Physical Education in October 2011.  Both inspections were, as they should be, a rigorous process and the reports can be read in more detail by clicking on the links below:-

We also had a full inspection report in 2010 that, we are proud to advise, judged the school to be 'outstanding'.  Information on Ofsted and what they do can be found on the Ofsted website.  

You can also view our school's results and attendance figures on their website together with those of other schools in the borough for comparison.  

Parent View is an online questionnaire that allows you to tell Ofsted what you think about your Coombe Hill Junior School at any time of the school year and at the time of a school inspection .

Please register with an email address and a password and once your login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to complete answers to 12 short questions about aspects such as bullying, the quality of teaching, level of homework, etc.

When our school is notified of its next Ofsted inspection, parents will be invited to give their views about the school to inspectors using the Parent View online facility as this has replaced Ofsted’s paper questionnaire. Please make sure we have your most up-to-date contact details.

Your views are important in helping inspectors make a decision about our school, and to help us know what is going well and what could be improved. 

If you do not have a computer or an email address or if you would like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask at the office.