PE and Sport premium
Teaching of Physical Education
Coombe Hill achieved the Gold Games Mark award in July 2022. This award has not been in place throughout the Covid pandemic. Instead of this, we achieved the status of being a School Games Engaged School.
In order to achieve the Gold Games Mark we ensure that we do the following:
Provide all students with a minimum of 2 hours of PE per week and extra curriculum provision.
Engage at least 50% of students in extra-curricular clubs (currently Coombe Hill involves 68% of children in extra-curricular clubs).
Talented pupils are given specific support to help them develop their sporting potential.
There must be at least 9 intra-school events across different sports (Coombe Hill have competed in more than 9 intra-school events in the last academic year).
There must be at least 9 inter-school events across different sports (Coombe Hill have competed in more than 9 inter-school events in the last academic year).
Promote school games events once a fortnight and regularly feature match reports and competition results (We promote our schools sport regularly through our newsletter, via the school website and on Twitter).
Engage at least 20% of students in leading, managing and officiating school games activities (The children lead through their roles as team captains, play leaders and PE monitors. They also support the teacher in gymnastics, athletics and sports days).
Utilise sports coaches to support school sport (Football and Tennis coaches taught alongside teachers this year.)
Train wider school staff to support school sport.
Our Values
Through PE we can replicate our whole school values of Creative, Encouraging and Aspiring. We want our pupils to be creative in their skills, to encourage each other and to aspire to achieve better and better results. Participation in PE and sport can improve a huge range of skills for children:
Positive attitudes, attributes and physical skills.
Fine motor skills.
Health and wellbeing.
Promotes inclusion and cohesion.
Introduces competition and the concepts of winning and losing.
Team work and listening skills.
At Coombe Hill Juniors, we believe that it is every child’s right to be offered a Physical Education that is challenging, fun and competitive. Therefore, we offer every child 2 hours of curriculum time PE in the autumn and spring terms and in the summer, an additional hour is added for swimming, making 3 hours of curriculum time PE.
The children are offered a wide range of sport in curriculum time including dance, gymnastics, tag rugby, cricket, football, athletics, swimming, netball and basketball.
We get involved in many borough competitions and have an intra-competition every half term.
We offer lots of after school clubs that give the children an opportunity to engage in an additional hour of sport a week.
All competitive events and clubs have been recorded in previous years to analyse which children are taking part in different sports. We will continue to record this information this year with the aim of more children participating. This information will be reviewed, so that next year a greater number and variety of sporting events/competitions can be offered to as many children as possible at Coombe Hill.
Intra-Sport Competition
Intra competition is a competition played inside school. The children compete against the other classes in their year group. This is done half termly and the children compete in the sport they have been learning that half term. This consolidates their learning from class and gives them an opportunity to use the skills they have learnt in a game/competition situation. The teachers are given a list for their class to ensure that every child in the class gets to compete if they wish. This means that 100% of the children at Coombe compete in a competition every year.
Sport Premium information.
Each year, every primary school will be given a lump sum of funding allocated to their school.
Our school receives £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil. On average, this works out as £20,000 a year.
What are Coombe Hill’s plans for the money?
We have asked the children and staff what they think about PE at Coombe Hill and have planned what the money should be spent on. Please see our sport premium plan.
How did we decide to spend the money?
We must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education (PE), physical activity and sport that we offer.
Regular feedback is gathered from staff and pupils about the subject's strengths and weaknesses. We based our PE improvement plan around the weak areas and have decided to use the funding to help improve these areas.
The ways we will be spending the money:
provide staff with professional development, training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively and embed physical activity across our school
hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers to enhance or extend current opportunities
introduce new sports, dance or other activities to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activities
support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports and holiday clubs
enter or run more sport competitions
partner with other schools to run sports activities and clubs
raise attainment in primary school swimming to meet requirements of the national curriculum before the end of key stage 2
embed physical activity into the school day through active travel to and from school, active playgrounds and active teaching
update and improve the level of resources available, to give children the best opportunity to thrive
Somerset house wear red tops.
Belet house wear blue tops.
Neville house wear green tops.
Spencer house wear yellow tops.
We are extremely fortunate to have a swimming pool on site. Every year, in the summer term, each child has a weekly swimming lesson lead by a qualified swimming instructor.
At the end of the summer term we hold a lower school and upper school swimming gala. The children are put into races depending on their ability in swimming to ensure the races are fair and the children feel confident. The children will race against other children in their year group but their points will go to their house. The winning house gets a trophy to keep in the school trophy cabinet.
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety in July 2023
Percentage of Year 6 cohort who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres = 95%
Percentage of Year 6 cohort who use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke) = 91%
Percentage of Year 6 cohort who can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations = 99%
Sports Day
Another house sport event held at school on site.
In the morning, the children compete in games they have played in curriculum time over the year to celebrate their learning throughout the year. They play these sports against the other children in their year group.
The houses win points throughout the morning and they are added up ready for the afternoon.
In the afternoon, the children compete in races in front of the parents in an attempt to win more points for their house. They only race against children in their year group.
What do children at Coombe think of PE?
'I enjoy competitions both in school and against other schools. I particularly like intra-class competitions because it's good to work with different people and make more friends.' Hanna - Year 5
'At Coombe, we are lucky to have lots of space to run around and participate in many different activities. I like that we enter lots of competitions because it gives different children the chances to compete in competitive sports. I think Strictly Coombe Dancing is an excellent event that is very inclusive of different children.' Aiden - Year 5
'The Coombe Kilometre is rewarding because it gives us a chance to improve our personal best.' Mia - Year 5
What do the staff think of PE at Coombe?
'I am extremely proud of what we have achieved as a school since Miss Robinson and I took over as PE coordinators. Mrs Dale, who is our former PE coordinator, deserves a lot of credit for the work she put in prior to our takeover. Children have a range of fantastic areas around the school including the field, MUGA and playground. These areas give them the platform to showcase their amazing talent. PE lessons at Coombe Hill offer children the opportunity to learn new skills and enhance what they have already learnt. It is always visible that children have such an enjoyable time during PE, and it really brings out their competitive side. We have brilliant staff who are always willing to give up their own time to ensure children are given the best opportunities to play and compete in sport. We have several clubs committed to sport and we also take part in more borough sporting events that ever before. A particular highlight for me has been running the year 5 and 6 football squad, where we have more than 30 boys and girls playing regularly. Our great school ethos means it has been a pleasure to be so involved with PE.' (Mr Charlton)