Looked After Children
A child is looked after by an authority if they are in their care or if they are provided with accommodation for a continuous period of more than 24 hours by the authority in the exercise of its social services function. Children who have been adopted or are under a special guardianship order would be monitored as previously looked after.
At Coombe Hill Junior School we have a designated teacher who is responsible for overseeing the support and progress of all looked after children. This person is Carlie Englefield (Assistant Head Teacher).
All of our looked after and previously looked after children have access to our ELSA team and have regular 1:1 sessions. We also have a club that runs for these pupils to come together to share their experiences and complete arts and crafts activties. In addition to the pupil support our ELSA team run a termly carers support group in which the adults looking after these children can come together and share their expereinces and startegies and support tools that have helped them.