Wellbeing & Mental Health

Welcome to our dedicated mental health and wellbeing page

On this page you will find a variety of services that offer support locally, nationally and online. 

As a school we take mental health and wellbeing very seriously and it is an area that we discuss regularly with our pupils in assemblies and in PSHE lessons.  

We are proud to have two trained Mental Health Leads, Mrs Englefield and Mrs Carlton.  We also have three members of staff who are trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)

At Coombe Hill we work closely with the Mental Health Support Team to provide 1:1 and group sessions for pupils experiencing mental health difficulties.  This service provides early intervention and support with children's low mood, anxiety, building resilience and challenging behaviours. The team is made up of Education Wellbeing Practitioners and Creative Therapists.  If you would like to access the support available via the Mental Health Support Team, you can do so by completing the linked self-referral form here and returning it to the school office or by speaking to Mrs Carlton or Mrs Englefield. 

Local provision

Achieving for Children Emotional Health Service

The Emotional Health Service (EHS) is a team of therapists that work with young people and their families who have mild to moderate health difficulties.  EHS is a Tier 2 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).  

Web: https://kr.afcinfo.org.uk/pages/young-people/information-and-advice/emotional-health-service/about-the-emotional-health-service

Health Watch Kingston                                                                                                                                      

Health Watch Kingston provides a list of local mental health services available to residents and the contact details for these. 

Web: https://www.healthwatchkingston.org.uk/mental-health-services  

Mind in Kingston

A charity affiliated with Mind, to ensure that all residents in Kingston expereincing mental health issues can access support and advice.  They provide a range of services designed to support people to maintain and improve their mental wellbeing, increase their self-esteem and increase their self-confidence. 

Web: http://www.mindinkingston.org.uk/ 

I Cope

An NHS service offering free, confidential help with problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia.  

Web: https://www.icope.nhs.uk/kingston/

National provision

You can also access support from the following charities:

Young Minds

Young Minds is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Young Minds Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (9.30 to 4.00pm, Mon- Fri)

web: www.youngminds.org.uk

Free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25.



Papyrus is the UK Charity for the prevention of young suicide.

Call: 0800 068 41 41 Text: 0778 620 9697 (10-10 Mon-Fri, 2-10 Sat-Sun)

Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

Web: https://www.papyrus-uk.org/ 


Beat - Eating disorder advice

Beat provides a helpline for adults and young people offering support and information about eating disorders and difficulties with food, weight and shape. 

Adults over 18 including parents, teachers or concerned adults

Helpline: 0345 634 1414 - . (Mon-Wed, 1pm-4pm)

web: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/ 

FRANK - Addiction advice

Talk to Frank provides information and support relating to drugs and addiction. 

0300 123 6600 (UK), 24 hours a day

SMS: 82111 - Need a quick answer? Text a question and FRANK will text you back.

website: www.talktofrank.com



Provides confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. 

Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)

Website: www.samaritans.org

Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line

Provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving help to health professionals, employers and staff. 

Telephone: 0300 5000 927 (9.30am - 4pm Monday to Friday)

Website: http://www.rethink.org/about-us/our-mental-health-advice



Saneline is a national mental health helpline providing information and support to people with mental health problems and those who support them.

Telephone: 0300 304 7000 (4:30pm-10:30pm)

Website: www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/helpline


ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything - no problem is too big or too small.

Telephone: 0800 1111

Website: www.childline.org.uk


The following Apps can be downloaded and installed onto mobile phones and tablets to provide regular and on the go support. 


Daily guided meditations, support with sleeping, mindfulness and stress relief.  


An online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for young people.  You can access magazines, discussion forums and chat to the support team.

The Mix

The UKs leading support service for young people. The offer a free, confidential hepline and ocunselling service. 


This is a mindfulness app based on the science of creativity and how colouring can create a feeling of flow that is associated with a meditative state.  

Mind Doc

If you are struggling with emotional problems or simply want to be more aware of your mood and wellbeing.  MindDoc accompanies you with daily questions. 

Catch It

Learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression.  The app teaches you how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental wellbeing. 

Chill Panda

Learn to relax, manage your worries and improve your wellbeing.  The app measures your heart rate and suggests tasks to suit your state of mind.  Tasks include simple breathing techniques and light exercises to take your mind off your worries. 


Create music to capture your mood and express how you feel with this app. Instead of words, use music to reflect your emotions like joy, sadness, calm and anger.