Our Core Values
Our Equalities Objectives
Creative, Encouraging, Aspiring.
Coombe Hill Junior School Values
We have a broad, balanced, exciting and challenging curriculum
We are encouraged and given opportunities to be creative
We are enthusiastic about our learning
We are encouraged to share new ideas and approaches and to learn through doing
We are committed to making our school a happy place
We are each understood as individuals
We are helped to identify and value our progress.
We show empathy and listen to each other
We understand the importance of developing resilience
We celebrate each other’s success and are praised for real effort
We are expected to be reflective about ourselves and our learning
We show pride in ourselves, our work and our school
We want to make a difference in the world
We build positive and supportive relationships
We have a growth mindset and always give our work our fullest effort
We care for and respect each other and our environment
We are all provided with the opportunity to develop our leadership skills, take responsibility and to become independent