Our school StorIES

For part of every year, pupils help create our school story. All our upper school classes and some lower school ones are involved in writing the story. Their final version is written collaboratively and read in assembly. Pupils love to end each chapter with a cliffhanger ending, which is then continued by the next class.
For nearly four years, pupils told the story of Aysha and Thomas (aka Fishcakes) who discovered they were Coombians, a time travelling race who were able to right wrongs across history. Their first adventure can be bought as a Kindle book through Amazon and their final adventure, The Coombian Riddle Discovered can be read by clicking the link below. Remember, that apart from the opening chapter, this story was written by pupils and collated by teachers. It may contain some typographical (and occasional other) errors!
More recently, pupils began a whole new story, Rosebowl. The opening chapter was written by Mia, winner of our half term challenge and the finished product is left.
The following year, the school voted to continue Annie, Sam and Ollie's adventures against the evil Sir William Rosebowl and we so we began a sequel but sadly that was curtailed without a definitive ending by lockdown.
This year, Rania won a competition voted by pupils to write the opening of a new story - The Fog. It can be found at the top of the page and will be regularly added to over the year.

Read Thomas and Aysha's last adventure!
Their first story is available as a Kindle book, which can be found by clicking the link opposite, while the final Coombian story can be downloaded for free by clicking on the document.