Joining our school
Virtual Tour of the School and Meet the Head
As we are unable to hold Parent Tours at this time, we have prepared this video for prospective parents. We hope it gives you a good picture of what our school is like.
Please see our video from our current Year 3 pupils, as they show you what joining our school in Year 3 is like.
Please note we do not deal with our own admission arrangements. We are a community school and our admission arrangements are dealt with by the Royal Borough of Kingston. For more information please see our admissions page.
For those children who are new to the school we understand that there is a lot to take in, with new routines, a new set of buildings and playgrounds, new faces and new teachers.
We hope you find what you need on our website, but if there's anything else you want to know, please ask at the school office.
Please note that the answers to the FAQ below may give you an idea of our intentions but may not reflect the current reality following the Coronavirus outbreak.
Uniform, kit and equipment
How does the uniform differ from the Infants?
You can find all the information about the uniform and what the children should bring in for PE on the Uniform page on this website.
In the Winter months they can wear jogging bottoms and a warm top as part of their outdoor PE kit.
What bags and other equipment do they need for Year 3?
It is important the children have the following equipment. Please make sure to check throughout the year that their pencil case contains the following:
pencils (lead and coloured)
rubber (eraser)
glue sticks
ruler (30 cm)
pencil sharpener
protractor (not for year 3)
Please provide your children with the following bags.
P.E. kitbag (but doesn't have to be a school one)
Lunch bag/ lunch box (if having packed lunches)
rucksack for bringing their lunchbox/bag, folder and books to and from school.
Their pencil cases (named) and PE kit (named) should stay in school during term time (see below).
When should my child bring in their PE kit?
It should stay in school: usually we encourage children to leave it at school and take it home to wash in school holidays. If it needs to be taken home at other times for any reason, please make sure your child brings it in for the next day that they have PE.
Are children put into sets?
Yes, Maths (Numeracy) is taught in sets. *This has not happened in the academic year 20-21 due to Covid bubble precautions.
When are children put into sets?
During the second half of the Autumn Term 'soft sets' will begin and children will move freely between these sets whilst teachers ensure they are in the right group. By Christmas sets will be decided upon and letters will be sent home to parents to inform them of who their child's set teacher will be. After this there will still be flexibility in the groupings if it is felt that a child would make better progress in a different group.
How are children put into the sets?
We use exam results alongside teacher assessment. The pupils are judged on the work they produce in school. The assessments are reviewed regularly.
We group children to ensure that we are best supporting them to reach their potential. All groups work to the same learning objectives while pace, support and activities are differentiated to cater for individual strengths and needs.
Reading and homework
When should my child bring in their reading book and library book to be changed?
The children change their reading books regularly, and whenever they finish the previous book. Each class will visit the library once per week to change their library books. However, the library is open every day for children to change their books if they wish. Each child will have their own reading folder to keep track of the books they have been reading.
If school reading books are very short we may send home two or more books. When they have finished reading these they may choose books from home or from the school library, which is open every lunchtime.
How are reading levels assigned to children?
We look at Key Stage One data and carry out a test at the beginning of the year to assess each child's reading age, the outcomes of which we use alongside teacher assessment. These levels are reviewed regularly by class teachers to ensure that children move up the scheme when appropriate.
Does my child have to read every night?
Yes. We expect children to read with an adult each night and at least once at the weekend (Friday to Sunday) and during holidays. Children are given a reading record which parents/carers can sign to confirm that their child has read. If a child does not read then they will have to read during lunchtime. This will also apply if their reading record book has not been signed. Children will also bring home a bookmark which has suggested questions to help you to discuss the books with your child.
We place a great importance on reading and find that this system helps to develop good reading habits. Daily reading is designed to improve decoding skills, fluency, expression, intonation and comprehension.
What homework will I get?
There is guidance on homework in the front of the homework book along with ideas for practising spellings. Information on homework can also be found on your child's Google Classroom.
Homework books should be returned once the homework is completed. Children may hand in their homework on any day, but if it has not been given in by the due date they will be asked to do it during lunchtime.
If children are absent on the day homework is given out, it is their responsibility to get their teacher to the homework tray. Details of homework can always be found on your child's Google Classroom.
School houses
What are the houses?
There are four houses:
Belet (blue)
Neville (green)
Somerset (red)
Spencer (yellow)
You can read more about the houses and how they got their names on the School houses web page.
How do they get put into houses?
The children are put into the houses randomly, although if a new child has an older sibling in the school an effort is made to put them into the same house.
How many things, and what kind of thing, do they 'do' in their houses?
In sports competitions, such as the swimming gala, children compete for their house. Likewise other competitions are held in houses.
Children are awarded house points in class by teachers, learning support assistants and lunchtime staff for good behaviour, effort or good work. The points are collected and cups awarded in assembly at the end of term to the winning house.
Communicating with the teachers
If I want to contact or talk to my child’s teacher what should I do?
Letters to teachers should be sent in with your child and handed in during registration. We suggest that letters to teachers are put in an envelope inside the reading record as this is checked every day.
If you want to talk to a teacher, please make an appointment through the school office, for safety and security reasons. Teachers will also be better prepared to speak with you if they know in advance what you wish to speak about.
How are letters sent home from school?
Most of our letters are sent out via Parent Mail. If you are not yet on Parent Mail then please ask at the school office.
If you do not have access to the internet at home then hard copies will be sent home instead. In this situation, we ask children to put any letters from school inside their bag or folder and if they are absent a letter is left inside their desk for them to take home as soon as they return to school.
If you think you have missed a letter, please look at the parent update page and/or ask at the school office.
Other questions
What can they eat and drink at school other than their lunch?
We encourage children to bring a water bottle to school which they can have on their desks during lessons and refill at break times.
Fruit is sold at playtime (20p). If children bring in their own fruit from home to eat at break then this should be kept in their rucksack so that it is easily accessible at break time.
Sweets are not allowed and due to severe nut allergies nuts are also not permitted in school.
Will my child learn an instrument?
In Year 3 each has a term's whole class violin tuition. If you would like your child to have one-to-one instrument lessons at school you will need to contact Kingston Music Service on 020 8391 9248.
Opportunities for small group and 1:1 violin tuition will be explained once the term's violin tuition has finished.
What is the policy on bringing personal things into school?
We do not advise that children bring in personal belongings of any value (including those that have no monetary value but a lot of personal value!). If children do bring in belongings then they do so at their own risk.
What's the procedure regarding lost property? Where is it kept and when can I search through it?
If items are named they will usually be redistributed to the child through their class. If they are not named then they will be put into lost property. At regular times throughout the year children are invited to have a look at the lost property to see if anything belongs to them.
The lost property is kept in the reception area in the main school building. Parents can come and look for lost property during school office hours.
What is the buddy system and who are the 'buddies'?
Year 2 children who about to move into Year 3 are partnered with a Year 5 'buddy'. This buddy will show them around on their orientation day in the Summer term, look after them in the playground in September when they start Year 3 and be on hand for any questions the new child may have about the school.
How can I make contact with other parents of children in my class?
Coombe Hill Junior School has an active parent teacher association - CHJPTA - that organises a number of social events through the year: details of these will be sent home with your child. Some classes also organise their own social events for parents and families.
What happens if I am running late to pick up my child?
If you are walking or using public transport, please phone us to advise us you will be late. If you are driving and can't phone us, just get to school as quickly as possible.
If the child is expecting to be collected and is not met, then they should return to the school office where they will wait in the care of the school until they are collected.