Teaching of Art
At Coombe Hill, we are passionate about art. Throughout their time here, the pupils are taught how to develop different techniques, including control and use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
The children celebrate their artistic journey by recording their learning in sketchbooks. This allows them to look back on their work throughout the year and reflect on their own progression and development. We also hold an annual art exhibition, were the children's work is displayed around our fantastic school grounds.
The curriculum
Our art curriculum aims to develop a love of art, allowing pupils to produce a wide range of creative works. The children look at a diverse range of artists, representing a range of cultures and artistic styles such as Lubaina Himid, Adonna Khare, Leonardo Da Vinci and Banksy. We are proud of our curricular links within our art curriculum including, History and Geography, DT, Art and PSHE.
Each unit of work takes the form of a project, focusing on a specific artist and linking to the pupils current History or Geography topic. The children begin by producing a creative research page, that establishes an artists background and their contributions to the wider art community. This information is reinforced throughout a term as the pupils begin to develop their techniques and establish links between previous artists and styles. Pupils then go on to plan, create and evaluate their own final piece, which is then displayed the following term around the school.
Annual Art Exhibition
Each year, during the Summer term, the children across the school produce work for our Art Exhibition. This is usually based around a given theme and allows them to impliment a range of skills that they have learnt across the year.
We hold the exhibition around our extensive school grounds, which are often used as inspiration throughout units of work.
Artist Overview
Skills Progression