Pupil Parliament
Pupil Parliament
The main aim of our Pupil Parliament is to help make our school a better place by ensuring all pupils ideas and opinions are heard and then acted upon. Many exciting changes have occurred as a result of the Pupil Parliament team.
At the first meeting of the year, the important roles and jobs within the school council are decided. The Pupil Voice coordinator helps to initially run this meeting, however after the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer roles have been established, they then lead the subsequent meetings.
The School Council meets every other week on a Thursday, where certain topics will be discussed. The parliament members then agree about what actions and steps that need to be taken.
The Pupil parliament like to regularly host the Thursday Assembly slot. This is a great opportunity to let all pupils know what they are working on next and it provides a great forum for the sharing of views and ideas.
In the last few years, the Pupil Parliament has been responsible for:
Continuing to run the stationery shop;
Organising the new names for our chickens;
Deciding which charities to support and developing fundraising ideas;
Surveying our school dinners and helping Mr Clutterbuck choose a new provider and service;
Learning walks around school to see how we could improve the school further;
Developing fresh herb and spice window boxes that can be used for school dinners;