
At Coombe Hill Junior School we understand the responsibility we have to educate our pupils on e-safety issues; teaching them appropriate behaviours and critical thinking skills to enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the internet and related technologies, in and beyond the context of the classroom. Coombe Hill Junior School has a whole school approach to the safe use of ICT and creating this safe learning environment includes three main elements:

- an effective range of technological tools

- policies and procedures, with clear roles and responsibilities

- a comprehensive e-safety programme for pupils, staff and parents - see our Computing curriculum roadmap for more details.

Keeping children safe when they use in the internet is of vital importance - each child has access to Chromebooks as part of their core curriculum. Children regularly use the internet as part of our ethos of learning digitally. Internet E-safety is something schools and parents should work together to promote. We monitor internet usage using tools from LGFL and through our IT provider, Eduthing.

For more information about our E-Safety practices, please see our E-Safety Policy

LGfL Parentsafe 

This is a great resource for parents to help setup and main safe internet usage at home:

We have just started using the Safer Schools App, which has lots of resources for pupils and parents. See the details below for installing the app on your device:

Below, you will find some helpful tips on monitoring a range of popular apps that junior aged children may use. Please be aware that many of these apps have age restrictions above the age of our 7-11 aged pupils, normally 13+. so should NOT be using them. As with all usage of online apps, understanding and monitoring of your child's devices using these apps is vital.

Thinkuknow factsheet for parents_Using parental controls.pdf
Twitch-Parents-Guide-November-2018 (1).pdf
Fortnite Chapter 2.pdf
Thinkuknow factsheet for parents_Worried your child will see something inappropriate online.pdf
Thinkuknow factsheet for parents_Worried your child has shared too much online.pdf
Thinkuknow factsheet for parents_Grooming.pdf