Parent council
The Parent Council is a forum for parents in order that they might have a voice within the school. Each class has one or more representatives who sit on the Parent Council. The council meets once per term or occasionally each half term if there is a particular item for discussion. The headteacher or member of the Senior Leadership Team attends each meeting to bring items for discussion and to consider topics raised by parents.
In the ten years it has been in existence, the Parent Council has proved to be a very popular and successful forum. It provides a channel between parents and the Senior Leadership team and gives parents information about decisions being made and allows them to provide input in these decision-making processes.
All classes are represented on the Parent Council and representatives should provide feedback to parents from each meeting. Parents are able to feed topics for discussion through each parent representative.
The Parent Council:
gives parents a voice and increase their active involvement in decision-making, fostering a culture of ownership and participation
develops a partnership between the school and parents/carers in order to support and promote the pupils’ learning and bring about change
channels parents’ views to be coherent and effective
diminishes the “school gate criticisms” and encourages positive dialogue with the teachers and senior leadership team
fosters real inclusion among all sections of the school community
provides support to parents
Jill Evans, our Parent Liaison Officer oversees the Parent Council. Please contact her at if you would like more information, offer to help in some way or would like to become a representative for your class. At the moment 4 Elder oes not have a representative on the Parent Council. If you feel you could offer an hour or so of your time once per term to represent this class please contact Jill Evans.
Above are the minutes of the last Meeting of the Parent Council. If you have any feedback, please contact your class Parent Councillor. Alternatively, please send your thoughts/views by email to Jill Evans.