"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go"
Dr Seuss
At Coombe Hill Junior School, our aim is to create a library that is welcoming, pupil-centred and provides an environment in which children can successfully read, find books and seek information and ideas for their educational needs.
The Library seeks to promote a love of reading in our children, develop an appreciation of different genres of literature and give pupils positive experiences of books, computers and other media.
Mrs Metcalfe has put a huge amount of time and energy into making the library a wonderfully creative learning environment for the children. Ms Davies created a humorous reading chair which pays homage to a variety of book characters. Mrs Harlow, Isabella's mum, made a beautiful canopy and cushions to complement the chair and a stunning mural for the book wall for which we are very grateful.
Coombe Hill Junior’s Library maintains a collection of new and classic books, a range of non-fiction texts, magazines and games which can all be borrowed by children throughout the school. The library is a centre for learning and literacy development and seeks to ensure that our pupils acquire the necessary information and literacy skills they will need to become productive learners. Its role is to help create confident, enthusiastic readers and engage children in life-long learning.
Our library is open for pupils before school and during lunchtime and each class has a timetabled slot in their weekly timetable. Children are able to take out two books each on our modern system, Junior Librarian, which children are able to operate themselves. Our parents and LSAs play an important part in keeping out library open and looking inviting for our pupils. It has up to date displays promoting new books and old favourites as well as non-fiction texts related to the different topics taught across the school. We maintain strong links with Kingston Library service and our pupils are often visited by local librarians who promote new books and run competitions. We also run competitions within the school linking the children’s reading to writing and providing quizzes on current children’s literature.
The library is open at lunchtime and after school on select days for children who would like to read or would like some quiet time with a book and friends.