Please note we do not deal with our own admission arrangements. We are a community school and our admission arrangements are dealt with by the Royal Borough of Kingston. These arrangements can be viewed on the Achieving for Children website:
The Royal Borough of Kingston currently have 35 schools within the borough providing free education to children between 4 and 11 years old.
You can find out more information on the Achieving for Children School Admissions website:
You can also view performance tables for these schools on the Department for Education's website or Ofsted reports on Ofsted's website
Most of the pupils who attend Coombe Hill Junior School have transferred from Coombe Hill Infant School. Pupils transfer to the Junior School in the September following their seventh birthday.
For information about the allocation of Kingston Community Primary School places for the last 3 years, please visit the following website:
To apply for a school place for a child who is already of school age please contact the Royal Borough of Kingston (contact details below) and they will be able to advise you on the current waiting lists. Arrangements for in-year admissions can also viewed on the Achieving for Children School Admissions website:
Please note that if you are resident in another Council area and wish to apply for a school place in Kingston Borough, you will need to complete your Home Council's application form.
Further Information
If you need any further information please contact:
School Admissions
Achieving for Children
Guildhall 2
Kingston upon Thames
Appeals process
You have a legal right to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place at any or all of the schools that you've applied to. You can appeal for a place at your preferred school even though your child may have a place somewhere else. Please find more information on the Achieving for Children website:
Secondary School
For details of all the schools in the borough and information on admissions and appeals please view the Achieving for Children website:
The closing date for applications for to start secondary school (Year 7) is usually at the end of October.