Behaviour Regulation
At Coombe Hill Junior School, we recognise that understanding our emotions is a key aspect of understanding and managing behaviour. Through emotion coaching and being attachment aware, both children and adults are able to both manage their behaviour and to create an environment that is conducive to learning.
A calm and safe environment is essential for good learning to take place and it is the responsibility of every member of the school team both in and out of the classroom. This responsibility is shared with the parents/carers and we look to them for support and cooperation. This is why we are a ‘No Shouting’ school.
Underpinning the behaviour policy is the belief that everyone can learn to regulate their own emotions and behaviour. Through this we encourage reflective thinking and do not accept prejudice in any form. Ultimately, we wish to give our children confidence about their capacity to think for themselves and to make sense of their own lives and experiences, hopefully beyond school and into the “real” world”.
Coombe Hill Junior School is a Rights Respecting School and as such we draw on our pupil and staff knowledge of children’s rights to guide them to make the right choices and to understand how to reflect on their behaviour with the rights of themselves and others at the forefront.
Our full Behaviour Regulation Policy can be found here.
The Coombe Hill Junior School Behaviour Regulation Policy is based on the following principles:
Attachment and trauma informed
Collaboration between pupils, staff and parents/carers
A focus on positivity and reflection
Opportunities to succeed and improve
The rights of all children - Rights Respecting School
Our Non negotiables are:
We do not use pupils names to name and shame - no names to be written on the board
We are a no shouting school
We emphasis that all emotions are ok but not all behaviour choices are
We use emotion coaching to guide our pupils through their challenges
We have been sharing this image with our pupils and helping them to understand that ‘Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need.’ Everyone has different starting points and will need different types and levels of support to be successful.
We have also focussed on the importance of praising publically and criticising quietly. Where children make unexpected behaviour chocies they are encourgaed to have a discussion with an adult to talk about their feelings, their actions and how to make things better.
We use the Zones of Regulation and emotion coaching to guide pupils through any unexpected behaviour choices that they have made. We teach our pupils that all emotions are ok, we all move from one to another throughout each day. Our behaviour choices are the things we can control and we teach pupils strategies to support them with this. More can be found out about Zones of Regulation on our PSHE curriculum page. We use the reflection sheets below to guide our pupils to reflect on their actions and to identify how they can correct their mistakes and make the right choice next time.