Coombe Hill Junior School

Welcome to our school website. We hope that this website gives you a flavour of life at Coombe Hill Junior School.


If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office: / 02089491743.

If you are a prospective parent, please see our VIDEO TOUR created by our Pupil Leadership Team. Please see below details of our upcoming PROSPECTIVE PARENTS' EVENING

Link to most recent Ofsted Report

Message from the Head Teacher

Welcome to the Coombe Hill Junior School website. Whether you are a pupil, parent or just a visitor, I hope you will find out a little more about us, our processes and what is important to us, as a school.

I am immensely proud of our children here at Coombe Hill;  the way they work, their kindness and enthusiasm as well as their many achievements.  We are all proud of our school and of our lovely grounds, but it is what happens in the classroom and the opportunities that we provide inside and outside of lessons that are most important.

During lockdown, we established our mantra, "We are ALL Coombe Hill" - pupils, parents and staff are all part of one community and we celebrate the differences in home language, race, faith and family types that come together in our school and which make us strong. 

I am so grateful to have such a positive and hardworking group of staff to work alongside who share our values as summed up by the three words:

Creative   *  Encouraging   *   Aspiring

We expect to model these values as a school; finding creative solutions to the issues of twentieth first century education,  demonstrating our own creativity throughout the curriculum and designing plenty of opportunities for pupils to develop their own creative skills.   We are a school that believes in encouraging and celebrating the success of our pupils and we feel certain that such an approach is always likely to be the most effective in helping children learn and progress.   We expect our pupils to encourage each other to greater success - an expectation that they live up to on a daily basis.   We aim to be the best school that we can be, and we try to help our pupils to develop a growth mindset, show the resilience to keep going when they face challenges and always to be aspiring to achieve their fullest potential.

Above all, we believe that if pupils are excited by their learning and happy at school, they are much more likely to achieve success. 

I also recognise that no institution will get it right all the time.  Good communication from us as a school and from you as parents will help us to continually improve and to ensure that your children have the best possible experience.  

I hope you find this website useful and that it gives you the information you need, however, please come in and talk to me or a member of staff if you have any questions that are not answered here.

Lucy Mastrocola


Freedom of Information requests:  Please contact the Headteacher at the address below.


Do you have concerns about a child?

Adults - you can contact the Single Point of Access to request support, or to report a concern about a child or young person. To make a referral, click here. You can also call for advice. Opening hours: From 8am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 5pm on Friday call 020 8547 5008  (Out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000). If you think a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999. Referrals are not limited to safeguarding: the Single Point of Access acts as a signposting service to other services, including mental health. Sara Carlton is our Designated Safeguarding Lead